Tuesday, 13 January 2015

NFL Outfits.

If I were to say the NFL Playoffs are currently happening and that the Superbowl is just a few weeks a way, I think most of you would stare at me blankly. If I were to mention Katy Perry performing at the half-time show and to ask what you were planning on wearing, I'd probably have your attention. If I were to attend a game, I'd probably have my eyes on what people were wearing instead of the game itself, which is why I have created two looks centred around an NFL jersey.

Though I may not be the biggest fan of NFL, my brother most definitely is. When I told him that I had to put together an outfit or two that I'd wear if I were attending the game, he started sprouting all this information about the different teams I should be supporting, when all I wanted to know was which team Tom Brady plays for because, let's face it, he's fit and that's more than enough for me. Apparently that's not quite enough to go on. Fun fact - he plays for the New Englad Patriots. You can all thank me later.

New England Patriots

Pittsburgh Steelers
Now onto the outfits themselves. I decided to put two together, in the hope that you perhaps find some inspiration. Number 1 is what I'd wear if I were actually attending the game, and number 2 is what I'd wear if I was attending a Superbowl Party (I hear that's a thing. Are there foam fingers, popcorn and hotdogs? If so, I'm so in) or simply watching the game with friends.

What I'd wear to a Superbowl Party 
What I'd wear to the Superbowl
I picked the Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey because my brother told me that it inspired Wiz Khalifa's Black and Yellow, and I love little facts like that. I picked the New England Patriot's jersey because I like Tom Brady's face and he's the #2 Quarterback in the world. I think my brother is slightly disappointed with my choices - he wanted me to pick Green Bay Packers and the Seattle Seahawks, because apparently 'they are going to play eachother on Sunday and it's going to be an absolute battle'. Yeah, because that's a thing.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find a Tom Ford sequin jersey. Now that's my kind of jersey.

Will you be watching the Superbowl? 
Let me know which team you support and what you'll be wearing
in the comments below!

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