Friday, 31 January 2014

January Favourites

Hello everyone!

So, it's coming towards the end of the first month of 2014. Can you believe how fast it's gone?! For me this month has truly flown by and I'm pretty that has something to do with me having my first exams of the year, getting back into a routine and therefore just not having as much free time as I would like. This is probably a good thing considering it means I'm not spending all my time lying in bed, eating and scrolling endlessly through tumblr. Instead, I am getting out there and getting stuff done, which some of you may remember was one of my 2014 resolutions. Here's hoping I continue it!

So, as it's coming to the end of the month I thought that a fitting blogpost would be my January favourites! I don't go through enough products to make this a monthly thing, but since doing my September favourites and my 2013 favourites, I seem to have accumulated enough stuff to make a post about it! I know many people tend to just stick to beauty, but I thought I'd do a whole collection of stuff.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

It's official - I'm OBSESSED with my friends

Hello everyone! 

It feels like it's been absolutely ages that I've written or posted a blog post, and I suppose it has. My last post, which was a What's in my Bag, and my next post were written shortly after New Year but left as a draft just in case I didn't find the time to blog much throughout January. I knew this would happen as despite not having anything on yet seeming to having everything on at the same time (I don't know how either) I haven't really found time to do much.

Anyway, after that quick little catch up, let's get on with my blog post! Today's post is all about what I did yesterday. I had the most amazing day with some of my favourite people and, it's official, I am obsessed with my friends. I had a massive smile plastered on my face all day and then came home feeling warm and bubbly inside. It's good to know that even when you have a lot going on elsewhere, your friends are always there to take your mind off of things.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

My New Year's Resolutions

Another blogger doing a post on their New Year's Resolutions? Original, I know, but I thought if I did them here then it might mean that I actually stick to them. I'm really interested to hear all yours too, so be sure to let me know in the comments below!

I've only set myself a few, and I think they're a bit different to the ones I usually make, and by that I mean they're actually achievable and things that I might work at to keep. So, here we go...

Friday, 3 January 2014

A Second Christmas!

Hello everyone! We are now officially three days into 2014 and I feel like all I've done is lie in my pyjamas in bed and read or blog, which admittedly is exactly what I've done. I'm determined to change this so I am going to spend the rest of today planning some blog posts for January, writing a few of them, taking some photos, sending some emails, ordering birthday and thank you presents for people and maybe even going for a run! Maybe then I will feel like I'm doing something to make 2014 a good year, but I suppose there are another 362 days of the year left so plenty of time to go!

As everyone knows, the Christmas period "officially" ends on the 6th of January, which is actually the day Spain celebrate Christmas, so I plan on milking it for all it's worth until then, hence another Christmassy style post. I had planned on getting up reasonably early this morning, or at least earlier than usual, to go to the post office as I was expecting some Christmas presents that hadn't arrived yet. Unfortunately this didn't happen and I eventually ended up waking up at 1pm so I was rather thankful to find that someone had gone for me and left my presents on the bench. 

Thursday, 2 January 2014


Hello everyone! Well, I guess that's it; 2013 is officially over. Is it just me that still doesn't quite believe that and finds it quite difficult to even say 2014 aloud. I'm not looking forward to going back to college as I know I'm going to struggle to write the date. Even in the final days before we broke up for Christmas break I was getting the date wrong, both month and year. The most memorable occasion was when I wrote 2010 on an exam. I'm clearly special. 

So, did you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve? Let me know all about it in the comments below! I actually love hearing about how people spend their day, especially when it's the polar opposite to how I spent mine. 

Mine was quite low key to be honest. Believe it or not, one of my most memorable moments was going to get some chocolate on the night of the 30th/early morning of the 31st at about 2am only to find this...